The examiner will observe how you are behaving behind the wheel, how well you interact with other drivers on the road, whether you give the right of way whenever it's appropriate.These are just a few things covers on the drivers test in Kentucky, the whole test takes approximately 30 minutes. The DMV will require you to take a vision test and the that covers the state driving rules and regulations. Road Skills Exam - 18 Years of Age and OlderJust like any other first time license applicant, you cannot take the drivers license test unless you have some kind of a document that allows you to be behind the wheel and that is why you must apply for a drivers permit first. You will also be required to take a short 4 hour pre-licensing course before being granted with full driving privileges (those who already completed a DMV-approved course do not need to take a pre-licensing course). Those who pass the driver's test are issued with a restricted license and will need to follow all for some time. Other apply to your permit, for example, you cannot drive between midnight and 6 a.m.You will need to hold your permit for at least 180 days and satisfy the above requirements before you can schedule an appointment for the driving test in Kentucky, however the graduated license program does not end there.

A parent or legal guardian will need to provide a confirmation that you have the required driving experience before you can take the drivers license test.