According to Doug Griffin of Faceshift, this system works “as well or better” than their desktop version and will be used by professional motion capture studios. The markerless motion capture is made possible by tracking the depth of the face while simultaneously tracking every pixel individually and doing an optical flow over time.

The small attached sensor shoots 60 frames per second of both depth and video. The helmet is incredibly lightweight and features carbon arms that allow the user to fit the headset comfortably to their head. This enables the accurate capture of facial expressions during full body motion capture, which will allow content creators to capture life-like body and facial animations simultaneously, all while giving the actor the ability to move freely through space. This is being launched alongside their new Faceshift StudioPro software which boasts a killer set of features including wireless control, remote triggering, TimeCode support, batch processing, and realtime face tracking and targeting. Faceshift, an impressive markerless facial motion tracking and real-time character animation system has announced the release of a wireless facial tracking helmet, designed by Mocap Design, that can be used alongside third party full-body motion capture systems like Perception Neuron.