Download the app and sign into your account. Log in to the Windows Store on your computer with your Microsoft account, and then use the search box to search for Pandora. Pandora One Desktop App offers all the comforts and conveniences of Pandora's music discovery service, straight from your desktop. Pandora Download for Windows One way to use Pandora on a Windows PC is to grab a free Pandora download from the Microsoft Windows store online. From there, you'll be prompted to join Pandora One if you haven't already or will simply be allowed to download the app if you have. Then click Settings from the dropdown menu, and choose the Install Desktop App link at left of center. To install the Pandora One Desktop App, simply go to Pandora's website, log in with your user name and password and click on your email address at the top right. Music aficionados will undoubtedly love the new perks that come with a premium membership. On top of the same great service the regular Pandora web app offers, Pandora One Desktop App gives you better music quality and, best of all, no annoying commercials or advertisements during your music listening experience. In order to make use of this app, you'll need to be a paid subscriber as a result. Pandora One Desktop App is only available to people subscribed to the streaming website's paid service, Pandora One. It's small and has a great, sleek appearance that will fit most peoples' aesthetics. Pandora One Desktop App is also a nice looking app. Using the Music Genome Project, Pandora One Desktop App will analyze the music content of the songs or artists you enjoy and will subsequently play music that shares some of those defining characteristics. You can share the screenshot in your next post on this thread.Pandora One Desktop App does the same thing, except straight from your PC's desktop this time around. You can find specifics about this tool and how to use it here. If you have a Windows machine please try using the Snipping Tool. You can find more information on how to do this here.Ĭould you send over a screenshot of exactly what you're seeing when you attempt to install the desktop app?

The email address and password for your Microsoft account may be different than those on your Pandora account.